Monday, March 31, 2014

Life So Far

My life started in 2002. I was born in a small hospital, that now doesn't exist. I was taken home 3 days after I was born to my welcoming family. To be suprised, seemingly my brother was the most excited one, because he wanted a brother or sister for 10 years. When I was 2 and a half months, the family moved to Korea. My dad's job was based there for about a year, which meant I had my first birthday, first words, and first steps there. After a year was over, we moved back to the UK for good. From when I was 1 years old, until 4 I went to Nursery. (Preschool) When I was 4, I met my life time friend, and we eneded up going to the same school, and same class. I enjoyed my school years, until I found out I was moving to a place I had never heard of before... Indonesia. We moved there 2009, and I loved it so much. The worst part was, my brother wasn't learning anything out here because he was too old, so he moved to australia, for boarding school. At first he loved it, then he found it was uncomfotrable, and decided he would go back to the UK. Which means I havent lived with my brother for 5 years!!! It's now 2014 and I am happy. We welcomed a new member to the family (a cat) and a new suprise. We have found out we are moving to China for another assigment, which I am looking foward to, and on the other hand, not.  As I am typing this, there's only 4 days until I see my brother, and soon it will be the summer, and soon I will be in China. Life feels shorter, as you get older, but you have to live with it, you only have one shot! 

Goodbye for now..
Hannah on the Move. xx