Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Life As An Expat

Trust me. Life as an expat can be harder than you think. It isn't the life, as some people say. You have to deal with things, or experience things you might not like. When you become an expat, it feels like you can't get out of it. 

First things first, schooling. When you first become an expat, you have to start a new school. (duhh) Trust me, that's hard. Starting a new school is pretty hard when it's your first time doing it, having to make new friends, and fitting in. When you move from your home country to another, you may have to switch learning systems.. For example I started school back home with the british system, and now I am with the american system. (which was quite hard) Since I went into an american school, I am stuck with an american accent.. (urrgggg)

Indonesian Expat.. (Preferably Balikpapan expat). When you come from your home country, you are used to the food you can buy in the market. When I was in the UK you could get fresh bread, milk, and butter. When I came here, the bread was different, the milk was hard to find, and butter is just odd. To be honest, since I have lived in Indonesia for 5 years, I feel I have been spoilt in the UK. But really, it's just Balikpapan itself. The roads are bumpy, and twisty. The malls don't have the best shops. Oh no, you can't get Burger King... Tragedy.. Why are there so many motor bikes??? Where are my TV channels?? Where is my chocolate, and sweets?Why look at that, I have 100,000RP!!(you might only get this if you live in Indonesia) I am filthy rich! Not really... The point is, when you come from your home country, and come to another, things will be different, and it takes a while to get used to it.

This is why I can't decide wether I am happy, or sad to be moving to China. I don't know if I am going to be shocked, and act like I am spoilt and be surprised if there isn't a Starbucks... (Starbucks was an example.. couldn't think of anything) 

I feel I have just typed a blog that is all bad things, there is good things.. hahahah! The good part about being an expat, is you get to travel to places you have never been. Experience new cultures, foods, and everything! You can meet people that are different in many different ways. You might discover amazing things that you would NEVER find out about, and that wouldn't happen if you were back home. Being an expat means you can experience new weathers, and conditions. When your an expat, you have to step back an think: "If I wasn't an expat right now, would I be happy? If I were a normal person, I would never have done this, or met the best friend of my life. Or go to this country that I never knew of before." 

Anyways, that's it for today. There may be a blog tomorrow, may not. Depends.. 

Goodbye For now...

Hannah On the Move xx